Petra Touristic Sites

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As-Siq or Siq is a mystical corridor that leads to Petra. Siq when translated to English means ‘shaft’ and was formed when a mountain broke into two due to tectonic forces. A walk through this corridor will be nothing less than magical and with walls towering over your head it will be slightly scary too. But it’s all worth it as As-Siq is one of the most important and best places to visit in Petra.


If you are someone for whom a trip is incomplete without undertaking an adventure then hike to Al-Deir Monastery in Petra which is one of the most phenomenal places to visit in Petra and you will be surprised to see how well preserved the place is. Not just that you can enjoy some delectable delicacies here with a view. If you prefer eating healthy then try out a cup of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice and you will be so delighted.


You have to see it to believe it. If that is how you roll then the Colonnaded Street is one of the places to go in Petra. Built somewhere around 106 AD the street depicts the Roman influence on the city. Following the standard pattern of the typical east-west oriented decamanus, the Colonnaded Street has shops on both sides and you can’t miss this one.


One of the most famous Petra attractions, the Al Khazneh is believed to be the most elaborate and extravagant treasury in Petra. Light to darkness is what exploring the place will feel like but we bet you will feel enlightened when you come out. Al Khazneh means ‘The Treasury’ when translated and is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places to visit in Petra.


Ever heard of interesting burial places? If you have, great! If not, then Petra has one and you should visit it as soon as you can. Time and erosion has affected it severely and the place has somewhat lost its charm but the place is still an important site. Built originally for Nabatean King Malichus II in the 1st century AD, this place was made into a church some 400 years later and then into a tomb.


A 76 foot structure that is believed to be the most important temple in Petra is still very much alive and one of the most fascinating places to visit in Petra. It is confirmed that the walls of Qasr Al-Bint were once painted in bright colours and were embellished with the carvings of the busts of many gods. The Qasr al-Bint is the only freestanding building in Petra and one of the most important Petra attractions.


Of all the things to do in Petra, visiting the Treasury is a must-do. This is one of the most iconic landmarks in the Nabatean Kingdom.

The good news is that visiting it doesn’t take much effort or planning. It is the first building that visitors see when they enter Petra’s main entrance. The Treasury is a rock-cut temple that dates back to the 1st century BC. It was carved out of a sandstone rock face and features intricate carvings and details that are simply breathtaking.


Another must-see attraction in Petra is the Monastery. It’s a steep and narrow way to the top, though. This rock-cut temple is perched on the top of a steep hill, and visitors need to climb approximately 850 to reach it. The hike is challenging, but the views from the top are worth it. Architectonically speaking, the Monastery is similar to the Treasury in design, but it is much larger in scale.


Petra was founded over 2000 years ago and has been inhabited by numerous groups and civilizations throughout history. One of the most fascinating periods was the Crusades.

Visitors can see the remains of an ancient Crusade castle named the Vaux Moise Crusader Castle, or as the locals call the al-Wu’aira. The castle dates back to the year 1116 when Baldwin I of Jerusalem ordered the construction of the Crusader castle to control the trade and communication route between Cairo and Damascus.

The castle isn’t inside the Petra site, but between Wadi Musa and Um Seyhun, a Bdul village.


Admiring the Byzantine mosaics is one of the most fascinating Petra activities. The Nabatean Kingdom is home to several Byzantine mosaics that date back to the 5th and 6th centuries. These mosaics are located in the stunning Petra Church and feature intricate designs and details that are simply breathtaking.


Like most ancient civilizations, the Nabateans also had their own death rituals and ceremonies. In Petra, you can find The Royal Tombs, which are carved out of sandstone rock and feature elaborate designs and details.

There are four Royal Tombs: the Urn Tomb, the Silk Tomb, the Corinthian Tomb, and the Palace Tomb. The biggest takeaway from these tombs is the amazing colors you’ll see inside (and sometimes outside) in the rock of the mountain they are built into. Be ready to climb and walk a lot if you want to enjoy them!


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